Dress-down days are designed to give students a day when they can be out of uniform. Casual clothing such as jeans, sweatshirts, and t-shirts are permitted as long as they meet the criteria of the dress code policy. Cutoffs, excessively loose or tight-fitting pants or shorts, any clothing with holes, or tear-away pants are all violations of this policy Advertising, logos, symbols, pictures, or wording may not be disruptive to the school program and not be related to alcoholic beverages, drugs – including nicotine, or depict any lewd or inappropriate references or innuendos. Hats, sunglasses, or other paraphernalia are not permitted unless approved by the principal. Students who prefer to dress-up (i.e. skirts, dresses, holiday attire, etc.) are welcome to do so.
In keeping with the Personal Appearance and Uniform Code, the administration reserves the right to enforce style, color, and length. Shoes, even on Dress Down Days, must be safe. That is, they need to have a front and back that keep the shoe attached to the foot.