Francis Xavier Seelos, a Redemptorist priest and assistant priest to Saint John Neumann, served in the Pittsburgh area and at Saint Alphonsus parish in Wexford from 1847 to 1850. His signature is recorded on many Saint Alphonsus sacramental records! When Saint Alphonsus Parish School and Saint Alexis Parish School (both located in Wexford) merged in 2017, the new school was renamed and became the first elementary school in the United States named after Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos.
Seelos Academy has an average class size of 17 students in K-8 grades.
Seelos Academy administers the Iowa Test of Basic Skills for Grades 3-8 each fall. Our students consistently perform well above the national average on these tests. Our recent test scores can be found here.
Students in grades K-8 are required to wear uniforms according to the Seelos Academy Uniform Policy.
The Uniform Policy for grades kindergarten through eighth is a reflection of our emphasis on excellence in every aspect of the educational program at Blessed Francis Seelos Academy. The purpose is to establish and reflect a school identity that is based on neatness, cleanliness, and modesty. The intent of this dress code is to keep student appearance simple, modest, free from distraction and competitiveness, and to promote our school solidarity and image. Adherence to the Uniform Policy is always expected. Please refer to the Student Handbook for a complete explanation of the policy.
School Uniforms can be purchased at Lands End or Schoolbelles. Throughout the year, families have the opportunity to purchase pre-owned uniforms for their students at greatly discounted prices. The monies received from these sales are used by the PTG to support the many classroom needs of teachers and activities for students and families.
Seelos Academy students come from over 20 Pittsburgh-area parishes and multiple school districts. The districts currently providing bussing to our K-8 campus are:
Deer Lakes
North Allegheny
North Hills
Quaker Valley
Seneca Valley
The school districts listed above all provide busing for students in K-8 attending Blessed Francis Seelos Academy. Some districts may only bus one way for full-day kindergarten. Please contact your school district's transportation office for more information. No busing is provided to the Early Childhood Center Campus.
Seelos Academy offers Morning and After-School (Extended Day) Care at the K-8 campus for students enrolled in kindergarten through eighth grade. Morning Care begins at 7:00 AM and Extended Day is available from the end of the school day until 6:00 PM. Click here for additional information.