Box Tops
Scanning your receipt using the Box Top app is an easy way to help earn money for Seelos Academy. This fundraiser has netted thousands of dollars over the years. Download the BoxTops for Education app and register Blessed Francis Seelos Academy as the school you would like to donate your Box Top's to. Within 14 days of purchases, scan your store receipt and the app will find participating products and instantly add Box Top's to our school's earnings. If you do not have a paper receipt, forward your email receipt to [email protected]. If there were participating products on your receipt, Box Tops will be credited within one business day. Be sure to send from the email account you use for Box Tops! A full list of participating Box Top Products can be found here.
Save your Chick-Fil-A receipts from the Wexford and Cranberry restaurant locations and return to the school. Through store credit earned for reimbursed receipts we are able to provide food items for the school community, including our annual 8th grade picnic and teacher luncheons.
Throughout the school year, local restaurants participate in our dining-out fundraisers. Simply take a break from cooking at home and join Seelos Academy friends and families for a dinner out! The restaurant will donate a portion of the evening's profits to our school. Events will be announced though the school email distribution.
Frontier Bags
These garbage bags are Made in the USA by Frontier Bag (also known as the Yellow Bag People). Currently we stock 15 gallon white bags for sale in the K-8 office and Seelos Academy received a percentage of the profit. There are 65 bags per roll for $10 per roll.
Mabel's Labels
Mabel’s Labels are a great way to ensure your items don’t end up in the lost & found or mixed up! These personalized, dishwasher and laundry-safe labels are great for everything from shoes, clothing tags, water bottles and backpacks.
Visit and select Blessed Francis Seelos Academy. Orders ship direct to your home. Seelos Academy receives 20% cash back on each order.
Market Day
Market Day is a direct order program with food products delivered directly to your door! Market Day will return 10% of funds spent back to our school. Of this 10%, 5% will be able to be directed to your tuition accounts. It will be managed the same as the gift card program. Purchases will be able to be tracked and money earned credited to your account! The other 5% will go to our school's overall fundraising goal. Instructions for registering can be found here.
Save your receipts from Moe’s (any location) and Moe’s will generously provide the school with a catering credit at the end of the school year. Twenty percent of all receipt totals will go towards this credit!