Seelos Academy encourages our students to learn and grow in their faith, while also living out their religious classroom instruction. At weekly Mass, students of all ages are lectors, cantors, choir leaders, instrumentalists, and altar servers. Third graders help our kindergarten students at Mass as their “Mass Buddy”. In middle school, our students learn to lead prayer services and help younger students with special activities such as Field Day and Santa Shop. Students have regular opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession and prepare for sacraments as part of the Religion core curriculum.
Service is a central part of the Seelos experience. We encourage acts of service in the classroom and also out in the community through our Good Samaritan Program. Students are encouraged to perform acts of service for their neighbors on their own or as part of the school's after-school Seelos Samaritans program. In addition, our students and teachers have initiated a number of service projects that have become a Seelos tradition, including a Halloween Costume Collection, Sock-Toe-Ber, and the Musical cast performing at a local nursing home.
The foundation of service that we foster is evident with service awards that our young alumni have received, including Carson Scholar Awards and St. Lucy’s Auxiliary to the Blind Junior Medallion Candidates.