Blessed Francis Seelos Academy is committed to graduating academically prepared students who are also exemplary Christians. Religion is not only one of the subjects taught daily to all of our students, but is incorporated into all classroom instruction. Sacrament preparation for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation is provided as part of the regular religion curriculum. In addition, students actively participate in weekly mass, Stations of the Cross, Adoration, and several all-school liturgies and devotions commemorating key Catholic traditions and beliefs.
According to a study for the Milton WI Board of Education, full-day kindergarteners exhibit more independent learning, classroom involvement, productivity in work with peers, and reflectiveness than half-day kindergarteners. At Seelos Academy, the full-day provides our young learners with more relaxed playtime in addition to periods of enriched instruction in the core academic areas of language arts, math, science, social studies, and religion. All concepts are reinforced through enrichment activities such as learning centers, science experiments, creative writing, and dramatic play.
Kindergarten students also have classes each week with specialized teachers in Spanish, computer science, gym, music, and art.
Blessed Francis Seelos Academy provides superior curricular instruction in the core academic areas of English, math, science, history, and religion through an interactive learning and classroom experience. In mathematics and reading, our elementary and middle school students are at least one year ahead of their counterparts in other schools. Their overall performance on standardized achievement tests ranks Seelos among the top schools nationwide, public or private.
Teachers have the tools to turn a typical classroom into a thought-provoking environment. iTouch Boards are installed in each classroom and students have access to laptops and a computer lab.
Science classes grow vegetables and study insects in our ecosystem in the school garden. In Spanish classes, students learn about other cultures and are introduced to foreign languages. In fine arts, students create pottery masterpieces using a kiln.