The lunch program is operated by AVI Foodsystems through an agreement with the North Hills Regional Catholic Elementary Schools. Four meal options are offered each day; a main entrée, chicken nuggets, buttered pasta, and an entrée salad.
The price for lunch is $4.00. Each full lunch purchase includes an entrée, side, vegetable, fruit and drink. The lunch program at Seelos Academy also features a fresh salad bar.
Entrees, drinks, and other items are available for individual purchases. An extra entrée is $1.75 if lunch is already purchased and $2.25 if purchasing the entrée on its own. An extra side (fries, tater tots, etc.) is $1.25. Side salads are $1.25, and a serving of vegetables (hot/cold) or fruit is $.75. Other items are offered with prices varying from $.50 to $2.00.
Paying for lunches is easy! There are several payment options including the online payment system, PaySchools Central, or sending in cash or a check to the school. Checks should be made payable to AVI Foodsystems, and the money will be added to your child’s account.
If you would like to place any restrictions on your child’s lunch account (i.e limiting the number of desserts) or have any questions, please contact [email protected]. If your child has any allergy issues, please let the cafeteria know in writing what he/she is allergic to, so notes can be added to his/her account. AVI Foodsystems is primarily nut-free; however, the school is not.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the cafeteria as schedules allow. Parent volunteers help with keeping the lunch line moving (to ensure students have ample time to enjoy their meal) and assist with the cleaning of tables, etc. Volunteers must have clearances. Please use the link on this page to signup. For clearance information, click here.