Our extended day programs operate at the K-8 campus and provide peace-of-mind and flexibility for busy families. Flexibility is an important element of each program – it’s available for your child for every school day or occasional use, for the full amount of time offered or less.
Morning Care
The Morning Care Program is available for K-8 students. Faculty-supervised care begins on Monday of the first full week of school. Drop-off begins at 7:00 AM every day school is in session, excluding snow or other delay days. There is a per day fee to use the program:
1 child: $5
2 Children: $7.50
3 or more children: $10
Please note, any child arriving before 8:15 AM will be directed to the Morning Care room and families charged the related fee for that day.
Extended Day Program
The After-School Care Program is available for K-8 students. The program will begin on the begins on Monday of the first full week of school until 6:00 PM and continues every day school is in session, excluding early dismissal days. The program provides supervised care, homework help, snack, recreation, and occasional craft activities in a Christian environment. There is a $25 registration fee per family due at the time of enrollment in the program and a per hour fee as the program is used:
1 child: $9.00/hr
2 children: $12.00/hr
3 or more children: $16/hr