Our school Masses are beautiful celebrations of the Eucharist with students as cantors, lectors, altar servers, and instrumentalists. Parents are welcome to attend. The odd numbered grades, sit on the "new" side of the church (closest to the school), and even numbered grades sit on the "old" side. Kindergarten also sits on the "old" side.
Please consider requesting a Mass Intention for a school Mass. Masses may be said for a deceased loved one, the spiritual and temporal welfare of someone living, or a special event such as a birthday or anniversary. View the available dates below and on the Saint Aidan website and submit your request for a specific date. Mass intentions are a suggested donation of $10 each. Once your request is received, Parish staff will verify your request, and send a confirmation email of your Mass Intention. Thank you for your assistance in offering the greatest gift of Jesus in the Eucharist!