If inclement weather or some other emergency requires that school be delayed or closed, this information will be announced via email, radio, and/or television. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL OR RECTORY FOR THIS INFORMATION.
In the event the school has a two-hour delay, all children should report to school by 10:15 am. Morning care is cancelled when school is delayed. If a district does not have a delay, the children from that district will follow their normal bussing schedule. If a public school has a delay when the school does not, those children may follow the delayed bussing schedule unless the parent/s can bring them.
Busing is the responsibility of your local school district; therefore you must listen to their announcement and follow their directives for cancellations and delays. If your district cancels and we do not, there will be no bus service provided. Likewise, if we are on a two-hour delay and your district is running on a regular schedule, please do not put your child on the bus. Please note that children will not be admitted to the building nor will supervision be available if students arrive prior to the two-hour delay start time.
PLEASE NOTE: Because our attendance registers are legal indicators of a child's presence at the times we are in session, children who arrive late or are absent because of busing when school is in session will be marked as Excused Tardy of Excused Absence.
Seelos Academy utilizes Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs), which may be used in place of a school day that has been canceled because of inclement weather or another emergency situation.
On an FID, students will complete learning activities and assignments provided by their teachers at home on the day that otherwise would have been canceled. Students will receive learning activities and assignments for each subject that would have originally taken place during a regular school day. This prevents us from having to add make-up days to the end of the school year or take away previously scheduled days off.
The first day that is called off will be a traditional inclement weather day that may be made up later in the year, if necessary. FIDs will start on the second inclement weather day.
We will continue to send out the parent emails and posting the notices to KDKA and WPXI in the event of a delay or closure.