Our Uniform Policy is a reflection of our emphasis on excellence in every aspect of the educational program at Blessed Francis Seelos Academy. The purpose is to establish and reflect a school identity that is based on neatness, cleanliness, and modesty. The intent of this dress code is to keep student appearance simple, modest, free from distraction and competitiveness, and to promote our school solidarity and image. Adherence to the Uniform Policy is always expected.
School Uniforms can be purchased at Lands End (preferred school #900124132) or Schoolbelles (school code S1888). Classroom uniforms may be purchased at other retail stores as long as they match in color and style to the official uniform offered by these stores.
Gym uniforms may be purchased from Schoolbelles. Gym uniforms MUST have the school emblem. Shorts, sweatpants, long sleeve t-shirts and short sleeve t-shirts are all available.
Students may only wear the approved uniform fleece or crewneck sweatshirt over their collared shirt. (No other sweatshirts may be worn.)
All preschool students are permitted to wear appropriate, comfortable play clothes each school day.
Throughout the year, families have the opportunity to purchase pre-owned uniforms for their students at greatly discounted prices from our used uniform closet sponsored by the PTG. You may email [email protected] anytime to find out if they have a particular piece in stock for you.
The monies received from these sales are used by the PTG to support the classroom needs of teachers and activities for students and families. Donations of gently worn Lands End or Schoolbelles uniforms and Spiritwear will be collected at set dates during the school year. We kindly ask that the clothing is free of stains and tears and that there are no missing buttons or clasps.