Father Jack was ordained in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in 1990 and is currently serving as Senior Parochial Vicar at Saint Luke the Evangelist Parish.
Father Jeff was ordained in the Diocese of Pittsburgh on June 27, 2020 and is currently serving as Pastor of St. Catherine Labouré Parish.
Brother Emmanuel (John) is a member of St. Joseph's Abbey in Louisiana.
Father Tom was ordained in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in 1977 and is currently serving as Senior Parochial Vicar at Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish in Monroeville.
Father Gary was ordained in 1983 and is retired from the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
Gabriel is a seminarian in the Diocese of Pittsburgh and studying at Franciscan University of Steubenville. His home parish is Saints Martha and Mary.
Sister Cynthia is a Sister of the Holy Spirit in Pittsburgh. She has been the recipient of the Manifesting the Kingdom Award and the Golden Apple Award for Principals.
Father Jason is a Franciscan Friar and is currently working at Saint Francis University in the Office of Student Life.